in collaboration with The Optimist Studios (a Texas-based creative agency), i built out a wireframe website and presentation decks as a part of a brand rollout for one of their clients.


HERO is an energy solutions company, specializing in Quantum Energy and the Phase Change Cycle. Their goal is to make this planet more efficient and eco-friendly.

HERO came to The Optimist Studios for a complete overhaul on their branding. The Optimist Studios created an art direction for the brand along with logos, icons, assets, colors, etc.

They invited me to join in the build out of the brand. With the brand having just been built and not launched yet, there was plenty of flexibility in colors and application. I, then, took on the wireframe for the website as well as refacing some of the pitch decks the company uses for potential clients.

website wireframes

home page

account page - profile

account page - orders

FAQ page

products page

account page - preferences

careers page

about page

account page - subscriptions

contact page

interactive prototype

not loading? try this link: HERO interactive prototype

not loading? try this link: HERO interactive prototype